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Translation Methods

Quick Translation Using wpDiscuz Phrase System

By default, wpDiscuz use the phrases located in Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Phrases admin page. You can do a quick translation by editing those phrases and inserting the translated phrases. This is the fastest and easiest way to translate wpDiscuz.

Translation Using wpDiscuz PO/MO Language Files

In case you have a multi-language website you should use plugin PO/MO translation files. First you need enable the “Use Plugin .PO/.MO Files” option in Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > General Settings admin page.

Then you can use wpDiscuz translation PO/MO file with PoEdit or using Loco Translate plugin.

wpDiscuz uses PO and MO files to manage translations. wpDiscuz includes a language file (wpdiscuz.pot file) which contains all the English text. You can find this language file inside the plugin folder in /wpdiscuz/languages/ directory. The wpdiscuz.pot file can be imported into PoEdit to translate.

To get started open PoEdit and go to File > New catalog from POT file. Once you have done this, choose wpdiscuz.pot and PoEdit will show the catalog properties window.

Enter your name and details, so other translators know who you are, and click ‘OK’. You will be prompted to save your .po file. Name it based on what you are translating to, i.e., an IT translation is saved as wpdiscuz-it_IT.po . Now the strings are listed. After translating strings, you can save. The wpdiscuz-it_IT.mo file will be generated automatically.

These two files should be located in /wpdiscuz/languages/ directory. Please make sure the po/mo files have wpdiscuz- prefix, without this prefix you’ll they’ll not be processed.

Comment Form Translation

In Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Forms > Edit Form Screen admin page you can find some phrases and translate those. For example the comment form “X Comemnts”  header text and custom field labels.

In the same admin page you can see Comment Form language option. This option should be only used and changed for multi-language websites. For example, if your site has two languages “fr_FR” and “en_US” you should create another comment form and insert “fr_FR” in this field. Thus, you’ll have two comment forms, one for each language. When you change language on website front-end the comment form will be changed automatically according to language version.


wpDiscuz backend and front-end language will be changed once you changed WordPress language to the same language in Dashboard > Settings > General admin page.

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