wpDiscuz 7 API Documentation

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  5. wpdiscuz_before_wp_new_comment
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This action allows you to perform tasks based on comment data. For example you can restrict registered users’ email addresses from being used by guests.


Added starting from 7.6.28 version.


1. $commentdata – the data of the newly added comment.


add_action("wpdiscuz_before_wp_new_comment", function($commentdata){
    if (!empty($commentdata["comment_author_email"]) && empty($commentdata["user_id"])) {
        $is_user_exist = get_user_by("email", sanitize_text_field($commentdata["comment_author_email"]));

        if ($is_user_exist) {
            wp_die(esc_html__("A user with this email is already registered! Please log in or use a different one!", "wpdiscuz"));

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