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Issue No Button Feedback After Clicking "Post Comment" and "Reply" Buttons

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Good Day!

When our site visitors and clients click on the "Post Comment" or "Reply" buttons, the buttons do not provide any clear feedback indicating if their submittal is being processed.

The only feedback provided is the AJAX spinner shown at the top of the site page which many times is difficult to spot or does not clearly indicate what is happening after clicking the buttons.

In short, it would be EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL if you can update your plugin's code to ensure your "Post Comment" and "Reply" buttons provide feedback after they're clicked. Preferably, by adding the word "Processing..." or "Sending..." inside the buttons after they're clicked.

Until a decision has been made, can you provide a code snippet (i.e., filter and/or hook) that would allow us to perform the above? 

For a demo on how that would work, please visit our site's Contact page and click the "Submit" button of the page form (Note: There's no need to fill out the form).

Thank you!

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We’re unable to locate the wpDiscuz comment form to investigate the issue. Please provide a direct URL so we can check it.

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Hi @asti,

Check this post. There is no button feedback (compared to the example I provided above) when visitors click the "Post Comment" or "Reply" buttons. After clicking the buttons, page hangs for 10-30 seconds before anything appears on the comments section.

As previously suggested, these buttons need to offer better feedback 🙂

Thank you!

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We don't see any issues, please watch this video: 

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Hi @asti,

Yes, that is what we see at our end too. However, that is NOT the issue or request.

On slower networks, PCs, etc., after clicking the Post Comment and Reply buttons, nothing happens on the screen for several seconds. We're looking for button FEEDBACK (i.e., a spinner next to button when it's clicked or changing the button text from say "Post Comment" to "Processing..." or "Sending...").

Thank you!

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Hi @asti,

One more comment 🙂 The above is not a bug rather an enhancement request. Apologies for any confusion.

If you could integrate feedback into the buttons, that would be a big plus. For a specific example on how that would work, please visit this page and click the "Submit" button (no need to fill out the form). Once you click the button, "Submit" will change to "Processing..." - and stay that way until the form is fully processed.

Meanwhile, our team will explore your plugin's code and see if we can help at our end. If we come up with a solution, I'll defiinitely share it with you.


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We will provide a new hook in the next version, allowing you to make the customizations you need.

I'll update this topic once it's ready. 

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Awesome! Thank you so much, @asti. Many will benefit from the hook(s).

If you don't mind, a couple of friendly reminders:

1. Please make sure the hook(s) will apply to the "Post Comment" buttons (main and reply areas) and also to the "View Comments" button.

2. Once the hook(s) are defined, it would great if you can also provide the filter for those buttons.

