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[Solved] Comments form translation

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Hello. I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one who has this problem, but nevertheless.

I'm building a website in 3 languages: RU (primary), EN and ES. In plugin settings, I've enabled an option to use .po files to translate the strings. I've also uploaded and wpdiscuz-es_ES.po files in the languages folder. Now everything seems to look more or less fine, but I still can't understand how to translate these Russian phrases:

Screenshot 2022 06 23 at 10 27 01 Aparthotel Castell Petit   My Sunny Spain

Please... 🙏

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Posts: 7351
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Joined: 7 years ago


Please read this FAQ:

Pay attention to point 3. Comment Form Translation. 

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Posts: 3

@asti, thank you very much! You've just saved my life.


But there's another stranger thing. By default, there is no es_ES translation file in the languages folder. So I upload it manually, everything works fine. Then I update the plugin, and it deletes the translation file, so every time I have to upload it again.

Is there any way to fix it? Because I can't tell my client not to update the plugin. 🙂


Есть ли способ это исправить? Потому что я не могу сказать своему клиенту не обновлять плагин. 🙂


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Please read my answer here:

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@asti, thanks again!
