Hi Team,
I've looked at all of the documentation and previous threads in relation to a conflict between wpDiscuz and Elementor (this plugin definitely the issue after disabling theme and other plugins). I've attempted most fixes with my limited knowledge 😉
I'm perplexed that I can get wpDiscuz to work on one post but then it won't work on a clone of that post!
Page that's working: https://www.evologica.com.au/podcast5
Clone of abovementioned page that's not working: https://www.evologica.com.au/podcast6
I also added the suggested code the funtion.php and the shortcode to another page that wasn't working but this is all I got (default form has all options selected for post types):
This page: https://www.evologica.com.au/podcast1
Thanks so much in advance for your help 🙂
Please check out this FAQ: https://wpdiscuz.com/community/f-a-q/if-design-of-the-wpdiscuz-comment-form-is-broken/
I'm now also having trouble getting Elementor to come up on my posts page - not sure if this is related?
Could you please clarify a bit?