I've added my domain to Google, got some keys and added them to settings in recapcha yet when anyone tries to comment they get an error saying that a wrong captcha answer.
When I set up recaptcha I chose 'I am not a robot' as the recaptcha type yet it doesn't work. Can anyone help, please?
Hi @robw,
It seems you've other CAPTCHA plugins installed on your website. Please check the plugin list and deactivate other CAPTCHA plugins, delete all caches and check again.
The same issue is discussed here: https://wpdiscuz.com/community/bug-reports/recaptcha-saying-error-you-entered-an-incorrect-captcha-answer-please-go-back-and-try-again/
Hello Asti,
I have no other recaptcha addons on my site and I've cleared the cache, still the same problem.
I've solved this by deactivating All in One WP Security.