Hi Süntke,
All wpDiscuz emails can be found and customize in the Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Phrases > Email tab.
However, judging on the screenshot, this should be an email that's sent from the WordPress "Email me whenever > Anyone posts a comment" option. In this case wpDiscuz doesn't have any relation. It can't be changed by wpDiscuz side.
Hi Asti,
I found the setting to activate phrases menu item:
The "Phrases" tab is missing as far as you've enabled the "Use Plugin .PO/.MO Files" option. Once you disable it, the phrases tab will appear again.
The option is located in the Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > General Settings tab. More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/plugin-settings/general-settings/#use-plugin-po-mo-files
I'd also suggest you read this FAQ: https://wpdiscuz.com/community/f-a-q/how-to-translate-wpdiscuz/
Here is explained how to translate the wpDiscuz plugin.
So now I will check,
best regards
This can be closed, it is solved
thx Süntke