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Email notification sends too much information

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Hi. I'm not sure if this is wpDiscuz issue or I set up something wrong but...

When someone posts a comment, the author of the post and I as an admit, we get an email notification about a new comment. However, the email doesn't look like the template in Phrases tab and it contains too much information: 
1. Author and IP adress
2. Email address
3. URL (nothing's here)
4. Comment text
5. Link to all comments
6. Three links that should not be sent to authors of the post

This way a lot of data and unnecessary links are being sent every time someone posts a comment. 

WHy this may be happening? Why it's not using the templates from the Phrases tab?
Thank you

test comment


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This is a native (core) WordPress email template. It doesn't have any relation to the wpDiscuz plugin. It comes from the options shown below: 

Email settings

Those options are located in the Dashboard > Settings > Discussion admin page. 

All wpDiscuz emails can de found and managed in the  Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Phrases > Email tab.


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OK, thank you. If I uncheck those boxes, will it start sending wpDiscuz emails?

I know it's not wpDiscuz thing, but can those WP email templates can be changed somewhere?

The problem is that everyone who are involved in the particular discussion get the same notification and as members, not admins, they should not get something like this.

Thank you for your answer.

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@Asti I unchecked those boxes, added a test comment, and didn't get any notification (as I expected). So I don't understand how to force my website to send notifications from wpDiscuz, not native WP email templates?

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The post authors should subscribe themselves to get notifications. More info here:

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They get notifications. No problem with that. But they don't get notifications that look like templates in wpDiscuz Phrases tabl. They get emails that look like native WP templates with  a lot of unnecessary information (like IP address or a link to trash comment).

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I understand your point. 

The wpDiscuz sends notifications if the users subscribe to the post, it doesn't matter if he/she is the author of the post or not.

If you don't want to use the wpDiscuz subscription type you should find a way to customize the WordPress email template. 

Try to search for something like how to customize the anyone posts a comment email content wp.

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@asti I do want them to receive wpDiscuz type messages, but they don't receive wpDiscuz type messages. They receive WP type messages. That's the problem.

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wpDiscuz doesn't send emails to post authors if they haven't subscribed to the post. They should subscribe to get the notifications from the wpDiscuz side. 

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Here's how it looks

email template
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@esperoart Did you find a solution to this? I have the same problem on my live site, and it continues on my test site as I'm giving WPDiscuz a trial run. I don't want to go through all of the setup/customization of a new plugin and not resolve my main issue.

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The email is not sent by the wpDiscuz side. It's the default WordPress email notification template. 

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@asti Yes I understand that, did you solve the issue anyway via your wp-config file or something else?

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If you want to use the wpDiscuz notifications you should at first, disable the "Anyone posts a comment" option, then subscribe to each post individually. Otherwise, the wpDiscuz won't change the template. 

You can try to find some on google. Try to search something like: customize the WordPress Anyone posts a comment email template
