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[Solved] Discussion Icons Stretched

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Hello!  Just added WPDiscuz to my website and love it.  Added avatars to be shown and they are strangely stretched.  This is only the case on computers, not smart phones.  Is there anyway to fix the width of the user avatars?  I tried clearing the cache and looked through the settings of my layout and the WPDiscuz tools, resulting in the same stretched icons.


Thank you in advance!

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Hi @classicbrus

Please leave an example URL of the page you need help with.

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@jacob Hi Jacob.  Thanks so much for your patience.


This is a webcomic website in which each page has discussion open.  I just introduced the WPDiscuz plugin last week.


The URL below shows the stretched icons in the discussion (upon scrolling down.):


If you are on a laptop or desktop, you will notice the circular icons are stretched horizontally just slightly.  This, however, does not occur if the page is viewed from a mobile device.


Thank you very much in advance for any guidance or advice on how to fix the stretched icons.

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Posts: 129

Hi @classicbrush 

Copy and paste this css 

#wpdcom .wpd-form .wpd-avatar img,
#wpdcom .wpd-form .wpd-avatar img.avatar, 
#wpdcom .wpd-comment .wpd-avatar img, 
#wpdcom .wpd-comment .wpd-avatar img.avatar {
      max-height: 64px;

into Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Styles and Colors > Custom CSS Code textarea and save changes.

Please delete all caches before checking if there are any. 

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Posts: 3

@jacob Hello Jacob.

Thanks so much for your assistance.  The CSS worked and the icons are no longer stretched.

Since the issue is now resolved, please feel free to lock or close this thread.

Thank you very much again!
