Apr 20, 2021 11:16 pm
So, I've been testing some of the notifications emails with some customizations I made, and I've noticed that the links that are set with the [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] give a "server is having problems to load" error when are clicked. Now, I noticed the url where the link redirects has the syntax wrong, displaying it like https//mydomain, WITHOUT the two dots (:). So when clicked, it sort of directs you to "https://https//mydomain". It seems like a simple solution: to correct the syntax the shortcode echoes. But, how do I do that?
1 Reply
Apr 22, 2021 7:12 am
This is not a wpDiscuz plugin issue for sure. Please deactivate the plugins one by one and check after each deactivation to find a problem maker. This also can be a server-side issue.