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[Solved] Problem integrating wpdisquz comments to TutorLMS

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Hello, as you can see here, I'm having the same problem presented here.

I tried everything in the mentioned thread but couldn't get it to work.

Can I have some help from you?

Thank you!

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Please leave a screenshot of the changes you've made. 

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For sure.

I updated the functions.php, the content.php from tutor and the conf in the form.

Thank you!

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Your WordPress theme footer php file (for this custom post type) must contain <?php wp_footer(); ?> function to allow all plugins load JS files and scripts.


Please check and make sure it exists.

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@asti It does load the footer.

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Could you please send the admin login details to info[at] email address? 

I'll ask the developers to check the issue for you. 

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@asti I shared the access. Did you guys have any chance to look a it?

Thank you!

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Please leave the email subject here to allow us easily find it. 

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Ok we've found the email. We'll check and back to you asap. 

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We've found the reason for the issue. One of the active plugins or a theme blocks the comments_open() property. 

We've added the following hook code in the active theme functions.php file:

add_filter('comments_open', function ($open, $post_id) {
    if (get_post_type($post_id) === 'lesson') {
        $open = true;
    return $open;
}, 999, 2);

It solves the issue.

You can either keep the code or try to find the problem maker by disabling the theme/plugins one by one. 

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@asti Great! Thank you ver much for your help.

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Hi @alejandrogm can you please guide me how to install wpdiscuz in my tutorlms site as well. I will very much appricate it.

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@dwilson sure:

1. Install the plugin

2. Go to the functions.php on your theme and add

function my_wpdiscuz_shortcode() {
    $html = "";
    if (file_exists(ABSPATH . "wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz/themes/default/comment-form.php")) {
        include_once ABSPATH . "wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz/themes/default/comment-form.php";
        $html = ob_get_clean();
    return $html;
add_shortcode("wpdiscuz_comments", "my_wpdiscuz_shortcode");

add_action('init', 'comment_support_for_my_custom_post_type');
function comment_support_for_my_custom_post_type(){
	add_post_type_support('lesson', 'comments');

add_filter('comments_open', function ($open, $post_id) {
    if (get_post_type($post_id) === 'lesson') {
        $open = true;
    return $open;
}, 999, 2);

3. Create a child theme of tutor inside your theme

4. To add comments on the preview of lessons on your child theme go to /tutor/single-preview-lesson.php and to add only in private lessons go to /tutor/single/lesson/content.php

and after <?php tutor_next_previous_pagination(); ?> add:

	<?php echo do_shortcode('[wpdiscuz_comments]'); ?>

That's it.

Hope it works.

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@alejandrogm Hi! How are you?

I followed the steps, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. 

I attach a photo. Can you help me please? 


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Please navigate to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Forms admin page, edit the form, and make sure the "Display comment form for post types" option is enabled for the post types. 

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@asti Thanks! It works! 

Thanks a lot!
