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[Solved] Sorting Button is not working — I need clarification

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In the free version, Sorting Button «Most Reacted Comment» is not working.

I mean the action after clicking this enabled icon. Nothing happens, the most popular comment does not appear after being clicked.

-- attachment is not available --

All other sorting functions work.

Is there a paid extension for Feature «Most Reacted Comment»? Which one?

I'm interested in the basic interface of the plugin and Sorting Button «Most Reacted Comment» works!

I don't need the functionality of this plugin:

Please help me.

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Atlas  интересное интервью с топ менеджером отеля — LiveHospitality
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Illustrious Member
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No, the feature doesn't have any relation to the paid addon.

Please leave an example URL to allow us to check the issue.  

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7351


Please wait a bit. I've already asked the developers to check the issue. I'll update this topic once I get a response from them. 

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7351

This issue will be fixed in the next version. Please wait for the next update. 

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Posts: 52

@asti Ok, thank you!
