We have the comment bubble enabled on our pages and posts, which means it shows on our home page as well. We don't have a comment section on our home page, so the bubble is unnecessary. Clicking on it doesn't do anything and is undoubtedly confusing for visitors.
Is there a way to prevent the comment bubble from showing up on just a single page? Thanks!
Please navigate to the Dashboard > Comments > wpDiscuz > Settings > General Settings admin page and disable the "Enable wpDiscuz on Home Page" options and check again.
More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/plugin-settings/general-settings/#enable-wpdiscuz-on-home-page
Ohhh, durp. I can't believe I missed that. Now it's all perfect!
I have the same problem but not on a Home Page.
I want to disable bubble on just one specific page. How can I achieve that?
I havent found such option in General Settings