I believe there was an option, but i cant remember where it is located.
Can you help me out please? =)
Hi @orakel
You can use the layout #2, more info in this doc:
If you don't want to change the layout just leave some example URL we'll provide a CSS code for the layout you're using.
Hello Asti
I use the Layout 2 because i love the vertical lines in answers.
But i see square avatars.
Thank you very much Asti =)
#wpdcom.wpd-layout-2 .wpd-comment .wpd-blog-post_author .wpd-avatar img, #wpdcom.wpd-layout-2 .wpd-form .wpd-avatar img, #wpdcom.wpd-layout-2 .wpd-form .wpd-avatar img.avatar
Is this correct? what can i remove from this code? all the #?
Thanks Orakel
If i upload the functions.php with this code i get a critical error on my website.
my editor also shows the line outcommented
oh ok
i have no customize in the top admin bar 🙁