The text of the Bubble remains in English, but also other strings are not translated despite the existence of related translations and inserted in the file wpdiscuz-it_IT.po
Indicted texts in the class.WpdiscuzOptions.php file:
Line 385 -> Be the First to Comment!
Line 387 -> Join the discussion
Line 547 -> Would love your thoughts, please comment.
I was forced to replace these texts described above, directly in my language, to the related lines (see attachments) of the wp-content\plugins\wpdiscuz\options\class.WpdiscuzOptions.php file, because despite the translation in the .po file, the the offending texts always remained in English.
We've checked many times and it works fine on our test websites.
After uploading your version of, in my WP backend, that you gave me, I checked the existence of some italian translations in the .po file, one of them is the string:"Be the First to Comment!" which should be translated to: "Lasciaci il tuo parere!", but as you see from my screenshots there is no translation effect in the frontend displayed in an incognito window of the Opera browser (no cache).
I did as you said, rewrote all the .po/.mo translations created by the .pot file you sent me, but it doesn't seem to work!
The .pot file is completely different from the previous ones, after comparing the string line references with the old one, but the class.WpdiscuzOptions.php file is still the old one.