Hi, i'm using wpDicuz plugin its by far best plugin i EVER saw..really amazing work, i was so impressed with the addon..so far so good, most advanced plugin i ever saw and so beautifully created..but now after testing it for while i bumped on one issue that is quite crucial for me..my site if in croatia and have to be fully on croatian (100% translatable) and i found that word "Comments" is not translatable..its not shown in Phrase section in Loco Translate it showing it but after i translate it..it doesn't translate it, after sync its saying its translated but showing again "Comments" not translated (bug) i even tried enabling option using PO..and i tried everything but that one word that is quite important can't be translated..PLEASE i beg you make it translatable (to work when its translated, all other words that i translated are working except those "comments" )Â
Please read this FAQ: https://wpdiscuz.com/community/f-a-q/how-to-change-translate-the-x-comments-phrase/