In finalizing the layout for tablets (iPad) several hours have been spent in trying to align the login social icons for the iPad tablet (see attached screenshot). The issue is not present with desktops or mobiles.
This (tablet issue) can be seen in the comments section at the bottom of the following post:
Hoping that someone will be able to point me in the right direction.
Try the following CSS code:
.wpd-social-login { display: flex !important; flex-wrap: wrap !important; } #wpdcom .wpd-form .wpdiscuz-textarea-wrap.wpd-txt .wpd-avatar { flex-basis: 48px !important; }
Put the code in the Top Admin Bar > Customize > Additional CSS > "Additional CSS" textarea, save it, delete all kind of caches and check again.
Please don't forget to press Ctrl+F5 (twice) on the frontend before checking.
Hi Asti
Many thanks for the great support.
This fix worked perfectly.