I've had a couple of requests from users - namely that when they're typing a long reply, they'd like to be ablt o resize the comments box, and that as the comunity does post lost interesting comments, they'd like to be able to 'bookmark' an individual post - perhaps a workaround would be being able to open it in a new window.
Any workaround for these requests?
Love the update of the new version with comments added where the comments box is (because I moved mine!) so thanks for that because it's really made a huge difference.
Hi @rox1,
Β namely that when they're typing a long reply, they'd like to be ablt o resize the comments box
You can use the textarea, instead of quill editor. The option is located in the Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Comment Form Settings admin page. Just set "none" value for the "Load Rich Editor" option.Β
More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/plugin-settings/comment-form/#load-rich-editor
Once you start to use the textarea, put the code below in the Top Admin Bar > Customize > Additional CSS > "Additional CSS" textarea, save it, delete all caches and check again.
#wpdcom .wpd-form .wpdiscuz-textarea-wrap.wpd-txt .wpd-textarea-wrap textarea{
resize: vertical;
You can change the red marked value if you want. More info here: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_resize.asp
Β they'd like to be able to 'bookmark' an individual post - perhaps a workaround would be being able to open it in a new window.
We don't follow you well. Please clarify a bit.Β
Definitely want to keep the Rich editor, we have that switched on.
Basically, users want to be able to bookmark a post for reading later - this might mean using an individual link to show one post, for example.