Hi, I'm having a problem with the display.
I set comments order to "most voted" by default, but somehow the comments are not showing on the post page. It'll show only if you change the sorting to "newest". So in order to solve this problem, I close this setting, and then the default becomes "oldest". But the comments are still not showing.
I want to know why does this issue happen? And how can I solve it? I still want to display the comment in the "most voted" order.
And I also want to ask about the review score shortcode. I know I need to add the review field in the form to get a shortcode, but I don't know where to find the code? So please help me with this as well, thank you!
Here is a post page as an example of the comments display situation. So there are 3 comments in this post, but you can't see any of them unless you change the sorting to newest.
Hi @gangda,
Please navigate to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Comment Thread Displaying admin page change the value of the "Comment List Loading Type" option to "Initiate AJAX loading after page", delete all kind of caches and check again. More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/plugin-settings/comment-thread-displaying/#comment-list-loading-type
Thank you! It's showing now.