(1) Your latest plugin update, V7.6.28, changed the color of the "New Comment" Guest Avatar from Blue to Purple. How can we change the color back to Blue? (or any other color, for that matter)
Details: https://prnt.sc/PwfpI_42lGsA
(2) Your plugin still shows the incorrect logo color for Instagram. It's not Orange.
Plugin Shows: https://prnt.sc/v-SSvKucN6Q3
Should be:
Kindly review and provide a fix.
Thank you!
Helpful: You can view and download Instagram's official brand assets by clicking here (official link)
Item 1 resolved.
Upon further research, I ran into this forum topic and followed the instructions given.
Result: https://prnt.sc/2Bseyuw2GJ8k
Item 2, hopefully, will be reviewed and resolved at your next convenient plugin revision.
Thank you!