We're experiencing some issues where users cannot reply to a comment.
When they click "reply" it doesn't do anything.
Hi @nicksterfl,
When you hit the reply button and nothing happens:
1. Make sure you've deactivated Jatpack Comments
2. Delete all caches and purge CDN
-- If you don't have Jetpack Comments installed
3. Delete all caches and purge CDN
-- If it doesn't help
4. Open Firefox or Chrome console, reload the page, and check all JavaScrip Errors. Most of the cases you'll find the plugin which causes that error. Just deactivate it and wpDiscuz will work fine.
where would I find Jetpack comments?
it's odd, because for some users it works, for other users when they click reply nothing happens.
I just purged our CDN and page cache from the server level to see if that fixes it for some users.
I had a user send a video of what it's doing on their end.
this is working now.
It ended up being not related to wpdiscuz, but rather another script that was preventing the remainder of the page to be loaded fully.