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[CANCEL_URL]What do...
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Question [CANCEL_URL]What does the shortcode do?

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[UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] has been included in both the "Subscription Type: Subscriber's specific comment" notification email and the "Subscription Type: Post new comment" notification email. What is the function of [CANCEL_URL] in the "Subscription confirmation" email? For example, if I subscribe to "Subscribe to all comments on this article" in the subscription column, I will receive a "Subscription Type: Post new comment" notification email when someone posts a comment. If I want to cancel, I can do so in the "Subscription Type: Post new comment" notification email. Post new comment" email using [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] to cancel such notifications. Also, I turned on the notification bell when commenting. When someone replies to my comment, when I receive the "Subscription Type: Post new comment" notification email, it also contains the link of [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL]. I can use [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] in both emails. There is no need to use the [CANCEL_URL] function. Moreover, I did not add [CANCEL_URL] in the html mail. When I received the "Subscription confirmation" email, it still contained [CANCEL_URL].

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What is the function of [CANCEL_URL] in the "Subscription confirmation" email? ,

It allows users to cancel the subscriptions.Ā 

Moreover, I did not add [CANCEL_URL] in the html mail

If it's not included in the email content it won't be sent. You should make sure you've edited the email template in the correct place. The template should be changed in the Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Subscription and User Following admin page.

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Posted by: @asti

It allows users to cancel the subscriptions.Ā 

I know his function is to cancel. I mean after I subscribe to the comment, if I don't click OK to subscribe, it won't be subscribed. If I click to subscribe, [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] will be included when receiving "new comments" and "new replies". When I do not need to subscribe, I can click [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] to unsubscribe. Where is the role of [CANCEL_URL] reflected?

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The CANCEL_URL is for the cases when the user is subscribing. When the user is already subscribed the UNSUBSCRIBE_URL is correct.

Subscription Confirmation
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@asti When I first commented, I turned on the notification bell next to it, which means I will be notified when someone replies to my comment, and wpdiscuz will also send me an email asking me whether to subscribe to "new reply notifications". If I don't click the [CONFIRM_URL] link, I won't receive any email notifications when someone replies to my comment. Since I didn't click [CONFIRM_URL] and didn't confirm the subscription, what does [CANCEL_URL] do?
If I click [CONFIRM_URL], I will receive a notification email when someone replies to my comment. And it contains the [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] button.
And this is [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL], which is also unsubscribe. Aren't [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] and [CANCEL_URL] the same? ?

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Ā Since I didn't click [CONFIRM_URL] and didn't confirm the subscription, what does [CANCEL_URL] do?

You can remove the shortcode if you want,Ā 

And this is [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL], which is also unsubscribe. Aren't [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] and [CANCEL_URL] the same? ?

It can be considered the same; however, there is a small difference. The CANCEL_URL is used if the user hasn't subscribed yet. The process isn't finished. The UNSUBSCRIBE_URL is used if the user is already subscribed.

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Posted by: @asti

You can remove the shortcode if you want,Ā 

chrome cNDp9mDAE8

Yes, I tried to delete it, but after I deleted it, wpdiscuz automatically added the short code. I want to know what the difference is? After trying, I found that both [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] and [CANCEL_URL] will display: You have successfully unsubscribed. Since they all have the same result, why do they exist? , and [CANCEL_URL] is obviously unreasonable. [CANCEL_URL] and [CONFIRM_URL] should not exist at the same time.

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If the user doesn't click the [CANCEL_URL], the subscription information will be stored in the database with an unconfirmed status. If the user clicks the link, the information will be removed from the database.

So, if the user doesn't confirm the subscription, the information will be stored in the database until the user clicks the Confirm or Cancel links.

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@asti Yes, if the user does not click [CONFIRM_URL], the confirmation of the subscription will not take effect, and the subscription waiting for confirmation will be stored in the database.
This should be the final data processing method: the unconfirmed subscription data is stored in the database until the user confirms the subscription, otherwise, when the reply notification bell is activated when commenting with the email address, WPDISCUZ will send the confirmation subscription email again until the user confirms the subscription.
The only way to cancel is to confirm the subscription and unsubscribe by clicking the [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] link in the reply notification email.
I feel that your logic is so confusing.
Moreover, I don't understand why it is necessary to do this. Why should the unconfirmed subscription be handled by the user? Instead of the website administrator?

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We're really sorry, but this is the logic of the wpDiscuz plugin. It cannot be changed. This topic will be closed as the answer is already provided here:
