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Issue [Solved] automatic deletion of comments

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Hey, guys,
I have a problem with commenting. After installing the plugin that translates the text on my page (Gtranslate) I can't add a comment in a language other than the one I have set up in this plugin.
For example: my base language is Slovak (image 1) but if I add a comment and I have set another language on the page, for example English (image2), the comment is automatically deleted.
At first I thought it was a problem with the translation plugin "Gtranslate" but I found out that comments can be added in another language without problems if wpDiscuz is deactivated

Image1 basel anguage
Image2 Another language


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Hi @kajo98,

I may suggest you disable the Rich Editor and use the textarea. 

More info here:

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Yes it helped, thank you very much!!! 🙂

But my website is primary for adding coments. Is there any other way or tutorial to add some extra settings or plugins for text? Similar to RichEditor?

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 Have you tried to enable the Quicktags? The option is located in the Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Comment Form Settings admin page.

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Thank you for your prompt reply. I already tried this option, but it is not very user friendly. Isn't there any other option to access the additional comment features?

Have a nice day 🙂 

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Illustrious Member
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I may suggest you contact the Gtranslate plugin support and ask them to check and fix the issue for the Rich editor. 

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Thank you very much for your reply.
I already tried this, unfortunately I'm stuck because I have to change the "htlm" code (picture 1) it's only one single word, but I don't know how to save this code because the code is always not saved after refreshing the page.
I'm trying to solve this problem a few hours but I can't get a handle on it. Could you please help me with how to save this code or rewrite it in CSS ( if it is possible) or refer me to some website/video where I can get help?
I know you don't have to solve such problems and I understand if you don't help me. But I would be very happy if you could help me.

Have a nice day 🙂 

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I'll ask the developers if they can provide a solution. Please wait a bit. I'll update the topic soon. 

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Thank you very much.

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7780


Please update the wpDiscuz to the latest version (v. 7.6.0) and use the solution provided here:

If you have cache plugins, please don't forget to delete all caches before checking. 
