Using Wordpress Gutenberg, I used the feedback short code to get inline comments. It seems fine in the preview. When you visit the actual website however the green comment icons do not appear (but my question does) unless the user actually clicks on "comments" all the way at the end in in the footer, then it expands not only the icons but the comments made. Is there a setting that will enable the icons to show when someone visits the page without having to click on the word comments in the footer?.
The same exact issue is for the comment invite bubble. It does not show unless the user actually clicks the word comment all the way at the end of the post in the footer.
Please help.
The website is:
Hi Stephen,
Could you please leave the direct URL to the page where the inline feedback feature is enabled?
in a separate but related issue:
Is there a way to make each inline comment questions archive individual comment responses rather than pooling them altogether? That is, if someone comments on one inline feedback questions spots in the same post the comment tally increases on all green icons. you can see two comments were made (as of right now) in different spots but ALL the green icons tally 2 comments.
(This is after you click on "comments in the footer you can see the icons..still trying to resolve that issue-see previous question in this thread)