Hi, I would like to know the following: – How I can assign the rating “Stand-alone Post Rating/Aggregate Rating” only for a specific custom post type, and not to posts as well?
– How I can pull this on each article/post: — Rating average. — Votes count. Is there a shortcode or any way to do it? e.g. “Rating average 4.5 from 60 Votes/Reviews”
– Schema, If I have CPT called Books, the Schema should be assigned and match the CPT slug? Or doesn’t matter, It should match the article type. e.g. CPT Books, Schema: $my_rating_schema = ‘Book’; ..the rest of the of the code.
– Field icon/Font-awesome icon library. Forms Feild: Can I replace this with SVG instead of F-A Icons?
– If I have a schema plugin like “Slim SEO Schema”, I can ignore assigning the “Post Rating – Using Aggregate Rating Schema” from wpdiscuz?
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– How I can pull this on each article/post: — Rating average. — Votes count. Is there a shortcode or any way to do it? e.g. “Rating average 4.5 from 60 Votes/Reviews”
You didn't answer this, the link doesn't answer the question, Please re-check I want to have a code/shortcode to customize this as in the screenshot.
-- Enable Aggregate Rating Schema, If enabled with any of these options:
It does work whether I disabled or enabled "Enable Post Rating" from the form tools. since it's enabled in "Display Ratings"
-- Display comment form for post types, If I didn't enable this, The original WP take over, My question is about the "Post Rating/Aggregate Rating" When I enable it and check one of the "Display Ratings" it appears on the entire posts with comments. I want this to appear only in CPT comments. For other regular posts with comments, I want wpdiscuz to keep working there but without Ratings. Without "Aggregate Rating"
Display comment form for post types, If I didn't enable this, The original WP take over, My question is about the "Post Rating/Aggregate Rating" When I enable it and check one of the "Display Ratings" it appears on the entire posts with comments. I want this to appear only in CPT comments. For other regular posts with comments, I want wpdiscuz to keep working there but without Ratings. Without "Aggregate Rating"
This is the reason I've asked to create two separate comment forms. Please read attentivly my answer here:
You can have two separate comment forms and Enable "Post Rating" option only for certain post types.
Let's say you create a separate comment form called "With Post Rating". In this form, you should configure the following options:
In case you want to say thank you! 🙂 We'd really appreciate if you leave a good review on the plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and the support team.