I wrote about it here https://wpdiscuz.com/community/general-forum/please-add-a-possibility-to-different-names-for-rating
Thanks for the awesome update with the requested possibility. But I want to say, that for Russian there are actually 3 phrases should be available to edit:
1. Total Raing displaying in post (is available to edit now)
2. Call for rating in a comment form (is available to edit now)
3. Phrase before rating displaying in a comment after the user rated it (is unavailable to edit now)
For example, it would be:
1. Общая оценка (total rating)
2. Оценить (call for rating)
3. Оценка (rating displaying in a comment)
It's not essential for English but is essential for languages with conjugations of verbs. In the time being, the phase 3 = phrase 2, it's not so convenient for languages like Russian because call for rating and displayed rating we denote by various words.
So, the main sense - I think, the 3 phrase also should be available to edit and should not be copy of the 2nd phrase.
Hi @arscrigicioniec,
Currently, there is no way to add the third phrase (rating displaying in a comment). You should use the Оценка (rating displaying in a comment and call for rating) phrase in both cases.