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[Solved] Please add a possibility to make different names for rating in comments and in posts

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Please, add in the plugin a possibility to name by different way:

1. A word for rate post in comments (now it's a field "Post Rating Title" in form settings).

2. A word under the total rating on the post.

Currently, it's the same word. But it would be nice to make a possibility to make it different. Why?


For example, in the comment form, I want a call to action like "Rate", but in total rating, that displays on the page, I want to write something like "Total reviews rating" etc. In the current time I can't do it because it's the same word that is responsible for this.



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The different way already exists. You should disable and remove the rating field. Once the rating field is remove you'll see the default Standalone Post Rating. You can change the post rating name of that rating in Dashboard  >wpDiscuz > Forms > Edit Default Form settings.

wpDiscuz standealone post rating name

Please read the documentation and see the difference between Comment Rating Field and Article Rating, they look similar but works different:

wpDiscuz 7 Post Rating and Comment Rating new 1536x1012
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Posted by: @tomson

The different way already exists. You should disable and remove the rating field. Once the rating field is remove you'll see the default Standalone Post Rating. You can change the post rating name of that rating in Dashboard  >wpDiscuz > Forms > Edit Default Form settings.

wpDiscuz standealone post rating name

Please read the documentation and see the difference between Comment Rating Field and Article Rating, they look similar but works different:

wpDiscuz 7 Post Rating and Comment Rating new 1536x1012

I know about that method, but my situation is a bit different. I want exactly to enable rating through comments having two different names - one for comment form and one for display. I think it would be a very useful possibility.

I mean, a popular format for sites (like Google Play): people leave a comment-reviews with a rating and this rating displays, so "a call to action" in comment form should have different text in oppose to what is displaying in total rating. See examples in screenshots how it is in Google Play.



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Posts: 71


Sorry for the late response.

This will be added in the next version update.
