I'm using wpdiscuz for comment in LearnDash lessons and topics, which just types of posts.
LearnDash has an option called "shared course steps", which mean you can use the same lesson in different courses, without the need to create a different post for the same lesson in different course.
I'm having a problem with email notifications with comments for posts that are shared. I'll first describe what "Shared Course Steps" is and afterwards I'll indicate what's probably causing the problem.
For example in the "Set Theory" I have a lesson called "Basic Concepts" and I could use the same lesson in a course named "Linear Algebra". The same post will get different slugs in these two different contexts and probably the first course the lesson was associated with - that his "real" slug.
For instance will have:
for this lesson in set-theory (let's call this URL #1)
And this slug for the same lesson but in Linear Algebra:
(let's call this URL #2)
The problem is that when I set a notification for a user to receive when someone replied to his comment then the POST_URL will always be URL #1 (the first one associated with the lesson), even if the user commented/replied in the second course. Just to be clear, if the second scenario - the user will see all the time upon using course #2 the second URL and not the first one. The only problem is when he clicks on the link in the email.