Hello, I found small issue with your plugin. When any users or guest post comment via you plugin and me as administrator or other admin edit his comment on frontend via the Front-end Moderation extension, which we are using, then under the comment is show information message "user xxyz (me) edited his comment xx mins ago…", and after that it looks like than I am (as the admin) the author of the comment, which is not true and it is confusing for other readers 🙂
It will be much better, if edits of users comments made by admin will not be show in the information message. Can you please do something with this? 🙂
Hi @yura,
We may suggest you change the value of the "Last edited %1$s by %2$s" phrase and remove the user from the message.
The next option you can disable the "Display comment editing Information". More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/plugin-settings/comment-moderation/#display-comment-editing-information
Hello Asti, huh, thats great "hack" with the language string. I will do it 🙂