I can't use your "Use Website URL as Profile URL" feature. It only shows the author's article detail page. I have updated the link in the profile page. I have tried the 2 supported code snippets in the 2 articles:
and https://wpdiscuz.com/community/troubleshooting/profile-url-not-working-for-all-users/#post-5592
It still can't work.
Please help me
I know this post is a bit older, but I've encountered the same problem and can't solve it with the above code either.
I would like the link to lead to the user's homepage as it is entered in the user administration. The code above sends me to the author's page.
It would be great if someone could give me a hand.
Thanks and best regards
If anyone is still looking ... I think I've found a solution. At least it works on my website.
add_filter("wpdiscuz_profile_url", function ($profile_url, $user) {
if (!empty($user->ID)) {
$profile_url = get_the_author_meta("user_url", $user->ID);
return $profile_url;
}, 999, 2);