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[Solved] disable email necessity for logged in users

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First of all, thank you for your excellent plugin.

Secondly, I apologize for not knowing English well


We use the Digits plugin for users registeration.

with this plugin Users can register and log in without adding an email


before installing the wpDiscuz plugin, WordPress allowed users (logged in or Guest) to submit comments

But after installing the wpDiscuz plugin, only guest users can comment and the logged in users see this error:

“Some of field value is invalid”

While the email field is not displayed for logged in users


Of course, we have set two things:

1- we disable this option:

“Comment author must fill out name and e-mail”


Dashboard > Settings > Discussions

2- We disabled the “field is Required” option in the Form Builder > Email field


We also looked at this:

after fill out email field for a user (from admin) the problem solved

so the error is related to email field


it is a sample user for test:




test page:

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i think changing the default behavior of wordpress (in this case, ability to commenting for users that have not email) should be done with the permission of the administrator.

or at least the admin can control it

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Illustrious Member
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Could you please send the admin login details to info[at] email address? I'll ask the developers to check the issue for you.

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hello and very thanks for your response

i send admin login details to info[at]

I provided a sample site with another domain

This sample has only two plugin for more comfortable test:

DIGITS plugin and wpdiscus

All settings are similar main site

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  • gaust user:

with wpdiscus = They can submit comment

without wpdiscus = They can submit comment


  • logged in users (with email address in profile):

with wpdiscus = They can submit comment

without wpdiscus = They can submit comment


  • logged in users (without email address in profile):

with wpdiscus = They can not submit comment

without wpdiscus = They can submit comment

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Illustrious Member
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Sorry, for the late response. Could you please leave the email subject here to allow us to easily find it?  

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hello again

subject is same as this topic title:

disable email necessity for logged in users
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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7353

Thank you @pbaharan,

I'm going to ask the developers to check the issue for you. I'll update the topic asap.  

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7353


The issue is fixed by our developer.

We've added a new hook in the wpDiscuz plugin codes. Please copy the whole wpDiscuz folder to your main website, then put the code below in the current active theme functions.php file:

add_filter("wpdiscuz_commenter_email", function ($email) {
    return uniqid() . "";

It'll work fine on your main website as well. 

The changes will be included in the new version of the wpDiscuz plugin, so you can update the plugin without any worries. 

However, the code added in the functions.php file should be kept. 

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and very thanks for your kindness and support

problem solved.

On behalf of the Iranian people, I greet you.

It is not possible for us to buy from you due to US sanctions.

Otherwise, to thank you and need your addons, I would definitely buy.

Thanks again

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Illustrious Member
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We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on the plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

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There is another problem that is almost related to this issue

we want to disable commenting for logged out user

in Dashboard> Settings> Discussions

this option is checked :

- Users must be registered and logged in to comment

but However any guest user can still leave comment

when i disable wpdiscus, guest user must login

you can check in from that sample site


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Illustrious Member
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Please read this doc:  

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that's right
