Hello there I bought five items two of them have successfully installed but three Addons when i try to upload a plug-in file it return error massages "Ads Manager requires wpDiscuz to be installed!"
Hi @steev2k2018,
You should at first install and activate the wpDiscuz plugin. the wpDiscuz addons can't be used without the wpDiscuz.
wpDiscuz Embeds wp- Admin setting menu is available installed
wpDiscuz Embds successfully activated but i cant see how to attach video on the post page.
The wpDiscuz Embeds addon is designed as a core post content replacer. It checks content provider URLs and replaces content provider views (video, audio players, social network widgets, etc..).
wpDiscuz Embeds is a 3rd party URL (Youtube, Soundcloud, etc.) embed-er addon. There are not any buttons you just need to paste the URL and it'll be automatically embedded.
wpDiscuz Media Uploader is a file attachment plugin. It allows attaching multiple files, images, videos, audio and all other file types you’ve allowed in settings.
wpDiscuz Media Uploader:
wpDiscuz Embeds:
WooCommerce Membership plugins
Please read attentively the description: https://gvectors.com/product/wpforo-woocommerce-memberships/
You should install WooCommerce and buy WooCommerce Membership Addon before purchasing this addon.
You should install WooCommerce and buy WooCommerce Membership Addon before purchasing this addon.
What to do?
Just pest the URL and it'll be automatically embedded
When i pest the URL on the pages it's not working