At the top of the comments section, there is a message that reads ...
"You are logged in as xyzUserName | Log out"
This message is always there along with the username regardless of whether anyone is actually logged in or not. I've cleared all cookies and storage but this messaging doesn't change.
I have both wpDiscuz - Comments and wpDiscuz - Subscription add-ons installed.
Please let us know do you have a cache plugin or server-side cache.Β
Yes, I do.Β Both server and browser-side cache have been cleared but the 'logged in' message persists.
I have deactivated the cache and manually cleared the files. This didn't solve the problem so I did some debugging within the discuz plugin...
On line 10 of page [.../wpdiscuz/themes/default/comment-form.php] $currentUser ($wpdiscuz->helper->getCurrentUser()) is being loaded.Β This is the same user that is used in the wpd-auth block beginning on line 162 and generating the 'Log out' messaging. The getCurrentUser() method is returning the post author, not the active user. I would assume this should be the active user.
Am I misunderstanding something?