Hi, I know I can allow comments on Wordpress posts to login users only, but the setting is for the whole site. Can I restict comments on a single post instead, so only login users can comments and the guest users can only view the comments.
Additionally, can I limit the comments on a post even further and only allow certain types of users to post comments? e.g. only Admin users can post comments and others can only view?
Thank you.
Hi @tripwinego,
Sure you can.
Just create another comment form (called e.g. "single post") and make the configurations for the comment form, then just connect the form with the post using the "Display comment form for post IDs" option.
Please find more info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/getting-started/manage-comment-forms/comment-form-settings/#comment_form_for_post_id
Thank you, this works quite well.