Jul 18, 2021 4:51 am
Hi, I'm using a custom rating field, and I use the shortcode [wpdrating metakey="all" show-label=false itemprop=false] to display the total score.
How is the total score calculated? Because in some posts, not all the ratings are counted. For example, in this post, there are 4 ratings, but the total score only counted 1 vote. Here is another post, there are 5 ratings, but the total score only counted 4 of them.
I want to know what's causing this issue and how to fix it? Thank you very much!
2 Replies
Jul 19, 2021 8:55 am
Hi GangDa,
Please navigate to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Tools admin page, find and click on the "Rebuild Ratings" button in the "Rebuild Ratings" section. Wait until it finishes, delete all kind of caches (website, browser) and check again.