Dear wpdiscuz team,
besides being really happy having switched to wpdiscuz, I have a question regarding a critical privacy functionality: deleting own comments
As a guest, I am able to access the user menu icon only after sending a comment with accepting saving a cookie and reloading the page afterwards. Otherwise, I see no possibility to delete my own comments. Maybe a solution would be, if there was a link option like [DELETE_OWN_COMMENTS] or [MANAGE_ACCOUNT] in any "comment published" notification to overcome this problem.
Looking forward to your recommendations regarding this issue!
Otherwise, I see no possibility to delete my own comments. Maybe a solution would be, if there was a link option like [DELETE_OWN_COMMENTS] or [MANAGE_ACCOUNT] in any "comment published" notification to overcome this problem.
I've already asked the developers to take this into consideration for future versions.
Hi Asti,
good to hear, that at least those approaches are considered.
However, currently, it seems I have a legal risk using wpdiscuz when guests cannot delete their comments without being forced to accept a cookie and to write a dummy comment. What way should I go, since the other way I proposed is not implemented?
Best regards