WpDiscuz used to work normally for all my custom post types (I use CPT-UI plugin), but since the latest update it does not work anymore, the normal default comment system is being loaded instead.
I haven't changed anything in the settings, so I am not really sure what is going on.
form settings: https://nimb.ws/xj1S9R
This form should work for custom post type like on these contents
instead it just works for regular wordpress posts like
Any idea on what's happening?
Thank you
Hi @oloccina,
The screenshot of the form settings is not available. Please try to attach it again. I'd also suggest you check each point mentioned in this article and leave some feedback for each one: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/getting-started/missing-comment-form
I have checked the points in that articles, but they seem all OK for me.
I have investigated a but more though.
I have another comment form activated for a single custom post type, and it shows ( https://aikyam.net/operatore/simona-spinoglio/)
settings for this form (working)
while my general form which is activated for posts/pages and some custom post types, only shows for posts/pages and not for the custom post types
Instead of loading wpdiscuz, my sited load the default wordpress comment form, see
settings for this form (NOT working for custom post types)
A thousand thanks guys!