Apr 06, 2022 8:07 pm
love your plugin.
In my theme i can open up a pop up register form on the same page using something like "#register_form". I would love to use this with your Login Url above comment form. But in settings -> User Authorization -> Login_URL it won't get accepted if i just put in "#register_form" . I have to put in a whole normal URL that leads to the normal login form on antoher page.
Is there a way i can use the # pop up form with this?
Thanks in advance.
3 Replies
Apr 06, 2022 8:30 pm
Nevermind, could just manage it by changing input type from URL to text in settings. 🙂
Apr 07, 2022 8:24 am
Nevermind, could just manage it by changing input type from URL to text in settings.
So we can consider the issue as solved, can't we?