Hi, is it possible to show 1.000 comments instead of the abbreviation 1k?
You can use the jQuery code below:
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { jQuery('#wpdcom .wpd-thread-head .wpd-thread-info .wpdtc').text(jQuery('#wpdcom .wpd-thread-head .wpd-thread-info').data('comments-count')); });
Here is a useful article: https://www.collectiveray.com/add-javascript-to-wordpress
Did not work. Should I put this in the custom css in wpdiscuz's Styles and Colors options? I tried that and it didn't work. I'm also using these other codes for other things
#comments, #wpdcom{ margin:0 auto; max-width: 850px; } #wpdcom .wpd-form-head{ display: none !important; } #wpdcom .wpd-comment .wpd-comment-status .wpd-unapproved{ display:none; } #wpdcom #wpd-threads { margin-top: 0; } #wpdcom .wpd-form .wpdiscuz-textarea-wrap.wpd-txt { flex-wrap: nowrap; } jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) { jQuery( '#wpdcom .wpd-thread-head .wpd-thread-info .wpdtc' ).text(jQuery( '#wpdcom .wpd-thread-head .wpd-thread-info' ).data( 'comments-count ' )); });
ok. Can I use it in the hfcm plugin?
This error happened, the code appeared at the top of the screen:
I tried it, and now the code appears on the screen at the bottom and it doesn't work to make the number of comments appear without abbreviation. Do you have any other solutions? Thanks
It worked now, thanks. I put this code in the header. Is it correct?
<script> jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $('#wpdcom .wpd-thread-head .wpd-thread-info .wpdtc').text($('#wpdcom .wpd-thread-head .wpd-thread-info').data('comments-count')); }); </script>
Now it is showing the number of comments without abbreviation.
Thank you very much. I wish you a great day. Peace and health