Hello guys,
I noticed that when we insert wpDiscuz in a quote section, the quote text loses some formatting like size and color.
For example, in the text of a post, I inserted this piece of text as a quote ( https://prnt.sc/10qx6lw) and this piece appears on the frontend like this https://prnt.sc/10qxbp4. So, I insert the wpDiscuz in this quote excerpt ( https://prnt.sc/10qxbfw), but in the frontend this excerpt has lost its formatting ( https://prnt.sc/10qxce1).
Is there any way to fix this?
See the post where I insert the balloon wpDiscuz: https://pop.proddigital.com.br/personalidades/chorao-marginal-alado-e-a-historia-do-charlie-brown-jr
The excerpt is the one below:
“trata-se de imagens da gravação do primeiro videoclipe do grupo, gravado de forma independente, que chegou a ser lançado, mas “se perdeu no tempo“.
You can change the style using additional CSS code, like the following one:
.tagdiv-type blockquote div.wpd-inline-shortcode { padding: 0; position: relative; border-left: none; font-style: italic; text-align: center; font-size: 14pt; color: #c43b2f; text-transform: uppercase; }
Okay, it worked. Thanks!