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Question [Solved] How to show custom field in comments

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I added a text custom field in comments, but it's not showed after comment is posted.

How can I enable to show it in every posted comment like an additional field under it?

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We don't see the wpDiscuz plugin activated on the page you've provided. 

How can I enable to show it in every posted comment like an additional field under it?

Could you please rephrase your question.

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Ok now wpdiscuz plugin is activated on website and i post 2 pics to show the problem:

Pic1 (no wpdiscuz activated) REPARTO field is showed after added all posts
Pic2 (wpdiscuz activated) REPARTO field disappeared after comment published

Immagine 2024 07 26 013816
Immagine 2024 07 26 014615


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Please edit the custom field you've created and make sure the following checkboxes are enabled:

  • Display on comment
  • Display for Guests
  • Display for Registered Users 
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I did it but no effects: REPARTO field still not viewable

Immagine 2024 07 26 161057
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Please leave the direct URL to the page where we can see the comments. 

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Have you made any customizations with the wpDiscuz plugin? Please let us know.

We've noticed that some elements don't belong to the wpDiscuz plugin. Please watch the video attached below for more information.

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@asti I disabled Likebtn plugin you showed me in the video but the problem still not fixed

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Please delete all kinds of caches as far as those buttons are still visible. 

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@asti not visible anymore now for me... try now please

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Dear @reservice 

We are unable to post a comment on your website due to a conflict.

Please watch the video that demonstrates the issue:

To resolve this, deactivate the plugins/theme one by one and check after each deactivation to pinpoint the source of the problem. Begin with any plugins that were recently installed or updated.

Keep the cache plugin (if applicable) deactivated throughout the testing process.

Remember to press Ctrl+F5 twice on the frontend before each check.

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@asti The problem was in your rating system, infact now it's not working.
REPARTO field is showed now, even if for new comments only, but this is not big problem.
Can you help me about rating system not working please.

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As I've already mentioned the wpDiscuz rating doesn't work due to the conflict with the theme or other plugins. 

Please read my answer here: 

To resolve this, deactivate the plugins/theme one by one and check after each deactivation to pinpoint the source of the problem. Begin with any plugins that were recently installed or updated.

Keep the cache plugin (if applicable) deactivated throughout the testing process.

Remember to press Ctrl+F5 twice on the frontend before each check.

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@asti finally i found the faulty plugin:

Now star rating working correctly.

Thanks for your help

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As far as we see the main issue described in this post is solved too. 

We're going to mark this thread as resolved. Feel free to open a new topic if you have further questions.
