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[Solved] Fix comment rating spam

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We had a troll come to our website and place negative downvotes on all of the comments on a particular article. Is there a way to fix this/change the ratings on comments so they are all not negative? is there a way to prevent this in the future? Thank you.

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Illustrious Member
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Is there a way to fix this/change the ratings on comments so they are all not negative?

You can use the "Remove Vote Data", but this will remove the whole data the positive and the negative as well. Otherwise, you can delete it from the database. 

Is there a way to fix this/change the ratings on comments so they are all not negative

To prevent this you can use the "Allow Guests to Vote for Comments" option. Just disable it. More info here:

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Posts: 2

@asti Hi. Thank you for the response. Is it possible to remove vote data from just one only one article is affected?

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7780


I'll ask the developers and let you know ASAP. 

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Posts: 7780


Please use the phpMyAdmin plugin or the same tool in your hosting cPanel, go to the website WordPress database, open the SQL Tab, paste the following SQL and execute it (press ok).

If the prefix of your DB tables is not wp_, you should change it in the SQL before using it:

XX should be replaced with the current post ID. 

UPDATE `wp_comments` c
LEFT JOIN `wp_commentmeta` cm ON c.comment_ID = cm.comment_id
SET `meta_value` = ''
WHERE (cm.`meta_key` = 'wpdiscuz_votes' OR cm.`meta_key` = 'wpdiscuz_votes_seperate')
AND c.`comment_post_ID` = XX;

DELETE FROM `wp_wc_users_voted` WHERE `post_id` = XX;

Please make a backup of the database before executing the code. 

Joined: 7 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 7780

We have not received a reply from you for over a couple of weeks, therefore we will be closing this topic. Please create a new one if you require any additional help.

Thank You!
