They do not show at all in this version. However, if I add a "shortcode" widget from elementor and add the shortcode, it says comments are locked. I've sent my login details, please feel free to take a look. I can't figure this out.
Please navigate to Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Products admin page, check the "Enable product reviews" option.
Then navigate to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Forms admin page, edit the "Default form" and select the "Product" post type.Β
I've done this already and nothing shows at all. Feel free to go check. The comments display on the other pages.
ok done. Please let me know what else you may need.
Ok, try again. I put it on the live site for you, but now it's on the dev.
Ok, I've changed the active theme to Twenty-Twenty-One. Still unable to get the comments to load on a product page. I'm assuming it can't be the theme this time. Any help?
I did get it working by uninstalling almost everything and reinstalling almost everything. There still seems to be a bug. The rating does not show up on a product page even if I turn it on. Then on the product page it's not displaying the number of comments like the other posts/pages. I duplicated the form to try that, but no success. See attachment for weird star icon showing in place of # of comments. And again, no star rating.