Hi I have a problem with advertising cutting off the comment bubble. I read this post https://wpdiscuz.com/community/troubleshooting/comment-bubble-hidden-by-footer-ad-on-mobile/ but the CSS code did not work for me.
Hi @rklement,
Can you please leave a URL to allow us to check the issue?
Hello. Please check 🙂
Hi @rklement,
#wpd-bubble-wrapper { z-index: 999999!important; }
Don't forget to delete the caches before checking.
Now in desktop it is perfect, but in mobile it should go a little higher. Is it possible to position it even higher?
On the other hand after applying this code now it looks like this wpDiscuz.
I have already cleared the cache and entered incognito mode with Chrome and Firefox.
Thank you.
Apparently it looks good now, can you confirm this?
On the other hand I would like to raise the bubble even more, is it possible?
Hi @rklement,
Add this CSS code to the textarea I've mentioned above
#wpd-bubble-wrapper { z-index: 999999!important; bottom: 100px; }