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Multiple login/regi...
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[Closed] Multiple login/register issues

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I've added a number of addons to wpDiscuz (comment author info) and wpForo (private messaging) and now I'm having problems with registrations...

1. When a new person want's to register to make a comment there is only the option to "Login" which takes them to the WP login page with no option to register.

2. There is a password reset issue as well causing users to have to reset twice. Here's what happens:

a) A user gets the confirmation email and clicks through to "reset password" WP page (this is misleading and should be "set password") and is asked to put in a password.

b) when the password is put in a notice comes up "Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below" (see screenshots)

c) So the user puts in the username and asks for a reset - when clicking on the link in the next email the user is presented with a "Enter your new password below" page.

d) When the password is reset again the user is then taken to the WP login page and has to log in.

e) Once logged in the user is taken to the WP Dashboard to enter more details (my testers say this is disorientating and if not familiar with WP back-end would feed they are on the wrong site - and have to find themselves to the actual site)


  • Primarily how do we make it more obvious how people can register at the comments AND have somewhere for them to register right there at the comments?
  • How do we stop the WP reset twice thing from happening and how do we exclude the WP dashboard back-end step?

Could any of this be related to us being a sub-site of a WP multisite installation, and if so, what's the fix?

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Hi @matthew-dahlitz.

You should enable user registration or change WordPress Login/Register/ResetPass URLs to wpForo URLs.

You can enable WordPress user registration in WordPress Settings > General admin page.

However, I recommend change to change WordPress Login/Register/ResetPass page URLs to wpForo URLs in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page. These options should be enabled:

  • Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL
  • Replace Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URL
  • Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL


Change WordPress login register reset pass pages to wpForo


Note; when you enable wpForo Login Page URL, your login to admin area is also redirected to wpForo login page. So, if you call /wp-admin/ it'll redirect to forum login page. Once you're logged in you can access to dashboard using the same /wp-admin/ path or the top admin bar.

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@tomson I'll try those changes and do another test registration

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@tomson I did what you suggested and it does now take you to the forum rego which is good. But I've tried to register and can't get a return email now to set a password. Are you able to try yourself to see if it works for you?

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it seems there is some other plugin that caused the issue. Please deactivate all plugins related to user registration and account creation and check again. 

We've just tried and seen the same issue.

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@asti now when I try to register it still tells me my password is invalid - so I put in my email to get another link and then it takes me right into the WP dashboard

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It'd be better if you contact wpForo plugin support. This is the wpDiscuz plugin support forum.

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The only other plugin that I can think of related to registration is woocommerce and I don't think it's actually active on the site.

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Your support email, and the two separate ones I've tried to register are all showing up in Users, but we are not getting any email to set a password nor does it show a username.

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