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Couple of issues wi...
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Couple of issues with new version

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Hey guys,

I updated the plugin and I am genereally pretty happy with the update but noticed a couple of things that need to be addressed, I think:

  • When reloading a post, the wpDiscuz throws three errors in the browser console:
    -- attachment is not available --
  •  I have activated the notification bubble, but it is nowhere to be seen on my website. Did I miss something?

  • It seems that the CSS for the MyCred ranks and badges has been forgotten. Rank is not displayed at all and it looks really weird on mobile in general. Also, is there no way to change the settings of that expansion? I cannot find it in the backend. 
  • Frontend moderation is a bit annoying as the hover form vanishes as soon as you move the mouse cursor slightly to the right. 
  • The comment form itself (not the existing comments) does not have a headline. Is there a way to change that?
  • When loading the comments via Ajax, the loading icon is shown all the time, as soon as you open a new post. That is kind of confusing as it seems to indicate that the page is not done loading, which is not true. Is there a way to change this behaviour?
  • Loading comments and other elements of the comment form takes a looong time on my website. For the comments around 5-10 seconds. Is this normal?
  • The translation for "comment link" is not used. 
  • Before the update you could search for a user to mention. I cannot find this option anymore. Is there a way to get it back?

Best wishes and looking forward to your reply


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Hi @hannes,

  • When reloading a post, the wpDiscuz throws three errors in the browser console:
    -- attachment is not available --
  •  I have activated the notification bubble, but it is nowhere to be seen on my website. Did I miss something?
  • It seems that the CSS for the MyCred ranks and badges has been forgotten. Rank is not displayed at all and it looks really weird on mobile in general. Also, is there no way to change the settings of that expansion? I cannot find it in the backend. 

Please leave the example URL to allow us to check it.


Frontend moderation is a bit annoying as the hover form vanishes as soon as you move the mouse cursor slightly to the right. 

We will take it into consideration and if it possible we will fix it.


The comment form itself (not the existing comments) does not have a headline. Is there a way to change that?

Please read this FAQ topic:


When loading the comments via Ajax, the loading icon is shown all the time, as soon as you open a new post. That is kind of confusing as it seems to indicate that the page is not done loading, which is not true. Is there a way to change this behaviour?

It designed to work in this way, however we can provide a CSS code to hide it.


Loading comments and other elements of the comment form takes a looong time on my website. For the comments around 5-10 seconds. Is this normal?

If you provide a URL this will be checked as well.


The translation for "comment link" is not used. 

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Comments > wpDiscuz >  Phrases > General tab, find the "Comment Link", and change it as you need.


Before the update you could search for a user to mention. I cannot find this option anymore. Is there a way to get it back?

You just need to type the "@" symbol, then the user name you want to mention.

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Thanks a lot for your answer. 

My blog hasn't launched yet. I will send you the login data in a private message, if you allow me to do that. 

I had another look at the various issues I reported. Here is an update:

  • The error messages have vanished. Not sure what caused this, but I won't complain. 
  • The cause for the bubble not showing was the z-index being too low. I fixed that, but noticed two other things:
    • Clicking on the icon does not scroll down to the comments. 
    • The content left position apparently does not work properly. It behaves just like corner left. 
  • MyCred: Please have a look at a post, for example here:
  • Hover: That would be much appreciated as I find this increasingly irritating. 
  • Headline: Thanks, I did that and it works fine. 
  • Loading icon: I do not want to hide it completely, only when the comments are loaded after page load via Ajax. So I am not sure this is possible. 
  • Loading duration: I noticed that especially commenting with mentioning a user can take up to 20 seconds until the comment appears. But commenting in general, loading the comments, opening the options etc. takes a really long time. 
  • "Comment Link" translation: I did change the translation. What I meant is that translation is ignored and the original phrase is used instead. 
  • Mentioning: Yes, I am aware you can do that. But sometimes you might not be sure what the exact user name is and then searching for the user was really helpful. So for me this feels like a downgrade. 

I noticed some more things:

  • Load comments button: When the comments are set to be loaded via click on a button, the button is shown even if there are no comments yet. 
  • Post rating: When rating a post, you have to delete the page cache to see your vote. As users cannot do that, there is no way for them to see their vote until the website is refreshed at some point. 
  • Settings button: Is there a way to integrate the user settings button into the website outside of the comment form? On my site, users have an account page and it would be nice to have the option to manage your comments on that page. 
  • There is a problem with the translation of "x time ago", for example "five minutes ago". In German, you would need to swap the position of time and phrase around for it to sound natural. Is there a way to do that?

Best wishes and thanks for your help


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I am still waiting for an answer and hope you can help me with the issues soon.


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Loading icon: I do not want to hide it completely, only when the comments are loaded after page load via Ajax. So I am not sure this is possible. 

The is no solution for this case. 

"Comment Link" translation: I did change the translation. What I meant is that translation is ignored and the original phrase is used instead. 

This is designed to work in this way.

Mentioning: Yes, I am aware you can do that. But sometimes you might not be sure what the exact user name is and then searching for the user was really helpful. So for me this feels like a downgrade. 

We're really sorry, but the design was changed. No way to get it back. 

Load comments button: When the comments are set to be loaded via click on a button, the button is shown even if there are no comments yet. 

This will be added in the next version. 

Post rating: When rating a post, you have to delete the page cache to see your vote. As users cannot do that, there is no way for them to see their vote until the website is refreshed at some point. 

Currently, we're working hard to solve this issue. We will release the update once we found a solution.

Settings button: Is there a way to integrate the user settings button into the website outside of the comment form? On my site, users have an account page and it would be nice to have the option to manage your comments on that page. 

I'm really sorry, but there is no easy solution we can post here.

There is a problem with the translation of "x time ago", for example "five minutes ago". In German, you would need to swap the position of time and phrase around for it to sound natural. Is there a way to do that?

You should configure the "Structure of Human Readable Date Format" option. More info here:

The rest of the issue we'll be able to check if you provide us some URL. Please contact us via info[at] email address. 

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Hi and thanks for your answer.

  • Comment Link: I think you are still misunderstanding me. I translated the phrase and wpDiscuz still shows the original phrase "coment link" and NOT the translation I added. So I doubt it works as intended. 
  • MyCred: I noticed another issue, there is some weird CSS that appears when you activate the wpDiscuz hook in the backend that changes the layout of the comments list in the frontend. It cointains code like this: #wpdcom .wpd-comment .wpd-comment-right {margin-left: 63px!important;} So my best guess is that this has simply been forgotten. 
  • Mentioning users: I tried mentioning users in the comments but they did not receive an email for that, even though it is set up to send one. 

I sent an email to the address you mentioned. 



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Comment Link: I think you are still misunderstanding me. I translated the phrase and wpDiscuz still shows the original phrase "coment link" and NOT the translation I added. So I doubt it works as intended. 

Try to translate the phrase by Loco Translate.

MyCred: I noticed another issue, there is some weird CSS that appears when you activate the wpDiscuz hook in the backend that changes the layout of the comments list in the frontend. It cointains code like this: #wpdcom .wpd-comment .wpd-comment-right {margin-left: 63px!important;} So my best guess is that this has simply been forgotten. 

Please navigate to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Styles & Colors admin page, put the CSS codes in the "Custom CSS Code" textarea, save, it delete all caches and check again, the issue should be solved:

#wpdcom.wpd-layout-2 .wpd-comment-right .the-badge {
max-width: 17px;
max-height: 25px;

The red marked values can be changed as you like. 

Mentioning users: I tried mentioning users in the comments but they did not receive an email for that, even though it is set up to send one. 

Please check the points mentioned here:

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Hi Asti,

  • I translated the phrase with Loco, but it would be cool if this could be fixed in a future update.
  • MyCred: No, that does not fix the issue. That is one part of it, yes, but it does not remove the css code I mentioned and it also does not fix the rank icons not showing at all. I guess I could do this myself with CSS, but as I paid for the extension, it would be nice of you to fix those things. As I said earlier, it seems that the MyCred extension code has not been updated together with the main plugin, which is disappointing. 
  • User mentioning: I found out that you dont receive an email when you mention yourself. Otherweise it works, so that is fine. 


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Use this code to display the rank icons. 

.wpdiscuz-mycred-rank-wrap {
width: 25px;

That is one part of it, yes, but it does not remove the css code I mentioned 

Don't follow you well. Could you please provide a little bit more info about the issue? 

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Activating MyCred in wpdiscuz causes it to load a css file, namely wpd-mycread.css. This file causes some problems. 

One is this code:

@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
#wpdcom .wpd-comment .wpd-comment-right {

margin-left: 63px!important;


It breaks the comments list view on mobile devices. 

In addition, the layout of rank and badges on mobile looks really bad:

css problem


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I am still waiting for an answer to my reported problems.

That is, the MyCred CSS, comment button problems and page speed with wpDiscuz enabled. 
I have written an email to the address you provided with the last two problems, but never received an answer. 

