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Multiple Inline Comments (short comments) on thumbnail gallery

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I'm trying to utilize the 'inline comment' to enable a quick commenting on each thumbnail within a gallery page.

please see attached image for ref.


so I was trying to manually generate the shortcode but the form doesn't even show up on the page using:


<?php echo do_shortcode('[wpdiscuz-feedback id=". $photo_id." question="'. $num .'" opened="0"][/wpdiscuz-feedback]'); ?>


can you please tell me why it's not showing up?


if I generate those inline comments within the default content area  it shows fine.

it's just whenever I try to manually generate it it wouldn't work.


please help.

thank you!

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We're really sorry, but the inline feedback shortcode is designed for post content. There are a lot of changes you should manually do to get the feedback button to work for this case. For example, you should manually add the question in the DB table. 

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Posted by: @asti

you should manually add the question in the DB table. 

can you please guide me how this is done?


FIY, this is my current code:

$slug = get_post_field( 'post_name', get_post() );
$num = 0;

while( have_rows('phone_booth') ): the_row();
<div class="thumb-image">

<?php if (get_sub_field('image')):?>
$image = get_sub_field('image');
$size = 'canvas-thumb'; // (thumbnail, medium, large, full or custom size)
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $image.$size);


<?php echo do_shortcode('[wpdiscuz-feedback id="'. $slug.$num .'" question="'. $num .'" opened="0"][/wpdiscuz-feedback]'); ?>


<?php endif;?>

<?php endwhile; ?>

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just another quick question here:

I'm using ACF(advanced custom fields) to create loop and I'm using their WYSWYG editor (similar to WP's default the_content editor) but even when the 'discussion' check mark is on, it allows to insert inline comment only on WP's default editor and not on ACF's editor.

would there be a way to have that option show up in the ACF's editor?

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7831


can you please guide me how this is done?

I'm really sorry, but there is no easy solution we can provide you. 

would there be a way to have that option show up in the ACF's editor?

This is designed to work in this way. The inline commenting is designed for post content. However, you can use the shortcode:

[wpdiscuz-feedback id="idNCXs" question="here is my question" opened="0"]What do you think of this?[/wpdiscuz-feedback]

Just make sure the red marked "idNCXs" ID is unique for each shortcode.
