On the website I am working on, we are seriously concerned about comment author privacy. We do not want anonymous comments per se. But we also do not want the full name of the author to show when they make a comment. We would much prefer only the first name of the commenter or a nickname.
Please, how do we ensure that only the first name or a nickname of the comment author shows up when they post a comment?
Thank you.
You should change the "Display name publicly as" option value. The following article should help you with this: https://memberfix.rocks/change-display-name-publicly-as/
Thank you Asti for your reply.
However, from the comments on that page, it appears the plugin has many issues for example with websites timing out while names are being updated, etc.
As you can imagine, privacy is very important and can help boost traffic on one's site. Are you planning to add this feature to wpdiscuz?
It appears that code sets author name to a static text, in the example "Boss".
I just want the first name of the comment author to show whatever the first name they provided is.
Is this something you will provide in the future? This is very crucial. I don't want people to regret or be in trouble for something they posted on my site.
Asti, don't know how to do that. That's why I am here to use your plugin and buy your extensions. Kindly let me know if this is a feature you will add soon?