Hello and don't be tired to all friends
I need to change the default Discase profile link to the template I want, but my code gets an error
I want the following template to be placed for user profiles instead of the default template of Diskaz, so that when a user clicks on the avatar and name of other users in the comments section, the link and address of the user's page will open with the following template:
com/users/10/divar where 10 is the user id
Thank you for your help in writing this code
Some of my code that doesn't work:
function change_wpdiscuz_profile_url( $profile_url, $user_id, $url_type ) { if ( $url_type === 'author' ) { $new_url = home_url( '/users/' . $user_id . '/divar/' ); return $new_url; } return $profile_url; } add_filter( 'wpdiscuz_profile_url', 'change_wpdiscuz_profile_url', 10, 3 ); function change_wpdiscuz_author_link( $author_link, $comment ) { $user_id = $comment->user_id; $new_url = home_url( '/users/' . $user_id . '/divar/' ); $author_link = preg_replace( '/href="([^"]+)"/', 'href="' . $new_url . '"', $author_link ); return $author_link; } add_filter( 'wpdiscuz_author_link', 'change_wpdiscuz_author_link', 10, 2 );
function change_wpdiscuz_profile_url( $url, $user_id ) { $new_url = home_url( '/users/' . $user_id . '/divar/' ); return $new_url; } add_filter( 'wpdiscuz_profile_url', 'change_wpdiscuz_profile_url', 10, 2 ); function change_wpdiscuz_avatar_link_attributes( $attributes, $comment ) { $user_id = $comment->user_id; $new_url = home_url( '/users/' . $user_id . '/divar/' ); $attributes['href'] = $new_url; return $attributes; } add_filter( 'wpdiscuz_avatar_link_attributes', 'change_wpdiscuz_avatar_link_attributes', 10, 2 );
The function below should work fine:
function change_wpdiscuz_profile_url( $url, $user ) { if ( ! empty( $user->ID ) ) { $url = home_url( '/users/' . $user->ID . '/divar/' ); } return $url; } add_filter( 'wpdiscuz_profile_url', 'change_wpdiscuz_profile_url', 10, 2 );
Note: the "Enable Profiles URL" option should be enabled. More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/plugin-settings/user-authorization-and-profile-data/#enable-profiles-url
Thank you
I tested the same function as this, but it doesn't work
Do I have to make a special and additional setting in Discuz so that this function works properly?
I used the Jet Engine plugin profiler and by default only the user can click on his avatar and username to open his user page with the default mysite template.
com/author/username, while I need all users to be able to enter the public user profile page with the template mysite.com/users/user by clicking on the avatar and username of each desired user in the comments section of Discuz. be id/divar
Thanks...it finally worked
Apparently, the cache was causing the functions to not work
Thank you dear and honorable Asti
Be successful and happy