When I install the wpDiscuz Addons Bundle can I select which addons to install? Or is the bundle packaged in such a way that all 16 addons are installed at the same time? Or can I unzip and install each one separately? I don't want all 16 installed even if they are not activated. I want to just install 5 and maybe a few more later.
Let's say I purchase the $99 bundle with 16 addons. After one year what would I expect to pay for renewal (after 365 days)? Is it $99 or is there a 20% discount ($79.20)? I need to know this to budget.
I'm only going to use these 6:
-Google reCAPTCHA
-Frontend Moderation
-Online Users
-Private Comments
-Report and Flagging
-Media Uploader
A single site license for the above 6 adds up to $90.30 (with discounts).
I started thinking - why spend about the same amount on a single site license when I can get the whole Bundle with an "unlimited site license" for $99? This way I can at any time in the future drop these addons on a few other sites?
Does that make sense to you? Am I missing something here? It just seems more logical and the best bang for
the buck.
When I install the wpDiscuz Addons Bundle can I select which addons to install?
Yes, you're getting 16 separate installation zip files with separate activation keys. All Addons are delivered separately. There is no merged pack.
Each addon can be installed, deactivated and renewed separately. You can buy Single Site License or other type license separately for each addon. It doesn't matter what license was the initial license.
If you buy Bundle license and install Frontend Moderation addon (yes, you can install one or more addons). After 1 year, you can only buy Frontend Moderation addon Singe Site license for $25 and only renew the Frontend Moderation aoddon.
You only have to buy the Bundle if the Frontend Moderation is installed on more than 10 websites. Because only the Bundle license allows you to activate it on more than 10 websites. If you have less than 10 websites you can buy Single Site License or the 3 Site License or 10 Sites License of this addon.
Let's say I purchase the $99 bundle with 16 addons. After one year what would I expect to pay for renewal (after 365 days)? Is it $99 or is there a 20% discount ($79.20)? I need to know this to budget.
...and this last question above? Thanks